Preparing a guide for assessing the training needs of workers

The goal of the stage

Developing an effective methodology for assessing the training needs of the association’s workers

Consulting business

The training needs assessment guide aims to design an effective methodology that helps the human resources department and executive leaders in the organization to assess the training needs of the functional competencies working in the association, The guide includes the following main components:

  • Definitions of terms included in the guide
  • Methodology for identifying competencies and job competencies
  • Training needs assessment policies
  • Procedures and forms for training needs assessment

A guide is being prepared to assess the training needs of workers. Through the implementation of the following consulting work:

  • Study the knowledge references related to the assessment of training needs
  • Guide design
  • Reviewing the guide and training those involved in it in the association

The final exit of the stage

A guide to assessing the training needs of workers