The list of powers

The goal of the stage

Governance of powers and responsibilities and delegation rules in the association

Consulting business

The main purpose of the authority list is to clarify the general framework for the provisions and rules of delegation within the association, and to organize the tasks and responsibilities associated with the authority matrix, The list of powers includes the following main components:

  • Definitions of terms mentioned in the regulation
  • Objectives and purposes of the powers list
  • General provisions of the powers list
  • The responsibilities of the parties related to the authority list
  • Powers delegation policies and rules
  • Policies and rules for reviewing the list and the authority matrix
  • Authority table array

The list of powers is built, Through the implementation of the following consulting work:

  • Holding meetings with stakeholders in the association to analyze the powers
  • Development of the authority matrix list

The final exit of the stage

A list of powers in the association